

Courier's mission is to make software-to-human communication delightful. It is "an API and web studio for development teams to manage all product-triggered communications," including email, chat, SMS, push, and more.


The CEO requested a redesign of Courier's inbox widget in order to modernize the UI and make notifications easier to read and manage. After sharing initial explorations with internal stakeholders, the CEO, CTO, and software engineers on the project, I created Figma prototypes. The goal of these prototypes was to represent interactions as quickly and accurately as possible, without requiring additional engineering resources.

We met regularly with external stakeholders to ensure that we satisfied their needs, since they'd planned to leave due to the inbox's outdated interface.


  • Lead product/UX designer
  • Lead visual designer
  • Illustrator


  • Retain customer who was planning to leave due to outdated UI
  • Streamline/simplify design
  • Make design more usable out-of-the-box to a wide array of customers
  • Improve development process
  • Add whimsy


  • Completed design within two weeks, retaining $70k per year customer
  • Design more consistent and readable
  • Simplified branding experience by using only the primary brand color
  • Loader happy face animation is joyful without being intrusive
  • Happy Courier customers!

Original Inbox

Original Courier inbox widget

The original inbox needed to be simplified to make customer implementation easier and to improve the UI/UX for their end users.

Inbox explorations

We explored many different treatments. Initially, we favored gradients because they added polish, but we later decided that they imposed too strong of a POV.

Final Design

Final inbox design

The final design featured only the primary brand color to streamline implementation.

Lastly, we added a touch of whimsy with a traditional loader that morphs into a happy face!

Recent Work

Courier Employee Welcome Kit
Courier Employee Welcome Kit screenshot
Courier Employee Welcome Kit screenshot


Employee Welcome Kit

Courier Automations
Courier Automations screenshot
Courier Automations screenshot



Recurly Careers
Recurly Careers screenshot
Recurly Careers screenshot



Recurly Web Ads
Recurly web ad -  Digital Subscriptions, Supercharged
Recurly web ad -  Digital Subscriptions, Supercharged


Web Ads

Pizza Bones Website
Pizza Bones website footer
Pizza Bones website footer

Pizza Bones


Pizza Bones Products
Pizza Bones pins - logo, indica, and sativa
Pizza Bones pins - logo, indica, and sativa

Pizza Bones


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