

Courier's mission is to make software-to-human communication delightful. It is "an API and web studio for development teams to manage all product-triggered communications," including email, chat, SMS, push, and more.


The existing UI for Courier's automations feature was powerful, but, despite its utility, it wasn't embraced as widely as we'd hoped. The UI/UX, originally created a year before the redesign, needed to be revamped to do the feature justice and capitalize on the new API capabilities.

After several whiteboarding sessions with the CEO and software engineers, we decided to make the interface more tactile, interactive, and visually dynamic. Additionally, we introduced a dark theme, which our users, largely devs, had been asking for. This theme, if well received, would be applied to the rest of the app as an optional dark-theme experience.


  • Lead product/UX designer
  • Lead visual designer
  • Illustrator


  • Make automations easier to use and more appealing to devs and non-devs
  • Create aspirational UI that can be applied to the rest of the app
  • Make UI feel "alive" and more interactive


  • Redesign increased customer usage by 50% within 2 weeks of completion
  • Positive feedback from customers about overall UI
  • Feedback informed future changes, such as reducing the height of nodes by summarizing content to make it easier to see the entire automation in the viewport
  • Animated, glowing connectors added vitality to the UI
  • React-Flow framework sped up the development process and added a quality foundation


Original Courier automations view

Original automations UI.

We brainstormed the ideal experience for commonly used automations during several whiteboarding sessions.

Whiteboard brainstorming for automations

How do nodes connect? How do we use color? How do we make the UI more interactive?

Automations design explorations

Would a robot onboarding guide help aid users? Is the automation itself a kind of robot?

Automations design explorations Automations design explorations Automations design explorations within light web app

We explored how the dark theme would look within the light app. In the end, we chose to make the entire automations view dark.

Automations design with dark theme in surrounding web app

We removed color-coded nodes so that color, along with iconography, would indicate state, such as an error.

Icon and illustration explorations for automations

Additionally, we explored new iconography and illustrations to bring the UI to life and add delight.

Final Design

Final automations design

We summarized the content after receiving feedback that content nested within nodes made automations unwieldy.

Final automations illustrations and icons

Final iconography and Otto, the automations onboarding guide.

Recent Work

Courier Employee Welcome Kit
Courier Employee Welcome Kit screenshot
Courier Employee Welcome Kit screenshot


Employee Welcome Kit

Courier Inbox
Courier Inbox screenshot
Courier Inbox screenshot



Recurly Careers
Recurly Careers screenshot
Recurly Careers screenshot



Recurly Web Ads
Recurly web ad -  Digital Subscriptions, Supercharged
Recurly web ad -  Digital Subscriptions, Supercharged


Web Ads

Pizza Bones Website
Pizza Bones website footer
Pizza Bones website footer

Pizza Bones


Pizza Bones Products
Pizza Bones pins - logo, indica, and sativa
Pizza Bones pins - logo, indica, and sativa

Pizza Bones


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