

Recurly is a recurring-billing and management platform that powers Showtime, Twitch, and TIME Magazine, among other titans of streaming, entertainment, tech, and journalism.


Before I began designing, I familiarized myself with the existing Recurly company page and with what other companies in the tech industry were doing on their company pages. I made note of what worked and didn't on those pages, and then used that research to help inform my design decisions. The marketing team had a very tight timeline and a lot that they wanted to add. Much of that content was text-based, so part of the design challenge was to make a text-heavy page visually interesting.

The design team had just completed an MVP of the design system, so I leveraged the existing system and expanded on it where necessary. Though the project had few visuals, it allowed me to experiment with typography, which was a fun and useful exploration for the burgeoning brand system.


  • Lead visual designer
  • Lead interaction designer


  • Inform and excite users about Recurly
  • Make a text-heavy page visually interesting
  • Align the page with Recurly's new design system and expand where necessary


  • Used new marketing messaging in order to speak to our ideal customer profile and emphasized company milestones near the top of the page. We also dedicated a section to our careers page, which we didn't do previously.
  • Broke up text-heavy sections with horizontal scrolling and modals
  • Adhered to our design system and also designed some new components/interactions for the system, such as the company timeline and the leadership grid.


Recurly About page wireframes

I collaborated with marketing and design leaders to create wireframes for the page, then explored various visual directions for the hero section and different UI/UX for the leadership section.

Recurly About page explorations

Final Design

Recurly About page screenshot

We were all working around a tight deadline, so the content was in flux until the launch date. I had to adapt quickly to implement frequent tweaks to the content, which often affected the layout.

Recurly About page screenshot

This page was one of the first implementations of the new brand language, which continues to evolve to this day.

Recurly About page screenshot

Company values artwork by Diego Vilela

Recent Work

Courier Employee Welcome Kit
Courier Employee Welcome Kit screenshot
Courier Employee Welcome Kit screenshot


Employee Welcome Kit

Courier Inbox
Courier Inbox screenshot
Courier Inbox screenshot



Courier Automations
Courier Automations screenshot
Courier Automations screenshot



Recurly Careers
Recurly Careers screenshot
Recurly Careers screenshot



Recurly Web Ads
Recurly web ad -  Digital Subscriptions, Supercharged
Recurly web ad -  Digital Subscriptions, Supercharged


Web Ads

Pizza Bones Website
Pizza Bones website footer
Pizza Bones website footer

Pizza Bones


Pizza Bones Products
Pizza Bones pins - logo, indica, and sativa
Pizza Bones pins - logo, indica, and sativa

Pizza Bones


My Dribbble portfolio
Dribbble logo
Dribbble logo

Dribbble Open new window icon

Additional Work

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Ian Mintz avatar

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